Search Results
"Accuracy of actuator line model in wind turbine and wind farm simulations" by Richard STEVENS
HPCWE: Wind Turbine Simulation Using The Actuator Line Model
Wind Turbine Wake Interaction - Actuator Line Model
LES - Actuator Line Floating Wind Turbine - Imposed Surge Motion
EoCoE consortium meeting - Helen Schottenhamml (FAU)
LES - Actuator Line Floating Wind Turbine - Imposed Surge Motion (side view)
LES - Actuator Line Floating Wind Turbine - Imposed Surge Motion, TIP Vortices with coarse mesh
Vertical-axis cross-flow turbine actuator line model LES with OpenFOAM (refined mesh)
Beyond Technical Potential: The Challenges of Siting Wind in a Low Carbon Future
127th NIA CFD Seminar, Beckett Y. Zhou (06-20-2023)
Lecture 28/33 Actuator Disk Theory